2006 - The Human League

14.03.2006 Vicar Street, Dublin/Ireland
Support: Neosupervital

Neosupervital is a freak in a funny sense of the word and his dancer is no different. In a comedian style Neosupervital plays rather dated sounding synthi-pop and accompanies himself on an electronic guitar, synthesizer and drum-computer. He doesn’t take himself serious and therefore his music is not embarrassing although in 21st century term it is rather dreadful.

Very funny **

Stage and instruments are in pure white and somewhat sterile which might be intended by the british pop trio The Human League. Susan, Joanne and Philip, all in their end 40s/early 50s look stunning and the spirit is there from the first second to the last. Philips voice is excellent and the League plays all their hits from “Being boiled” to “Human” and “Don’t you want me”. The new material morphes just fine with the classics and the concert is infectious. Susan says that the league doesn’t say it often: “ … but the reason why we are still loving it is because of YOU” (the fans) and I genuinely believe her.

We are in the first row and get a close look at one of the most influential bands in electronic pop.

The melodies are great and still sound modern which may be the reason why the Human League still has followers.

*** Superb


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