1995 - Lightmare & Nightmare

25.11.1995 Hafenbahn Offenbach: LIGHTMARE / NIGHTMARE

As part of a 12 wks long rock music competition the two bands Nightmare and Lightmare were competing against each other.

Even though only the first letter in the bands´ names seem to be different – the bands were very different from one another.

Lightmare was up first. They played in a 5 – piece pine up and the songs were very original and didn’t resemble classic rock band sounds as such.

Twice this evening there was a problem with the guitar and the band had to stop performing. Unfortunately the remaining 4-piece was unable to improvise and so they were just standing there on stage which is not professional.

Lightmare presented their new CD: “Vampires” for only DM 15,- which is reasonably cheap.

I didn’t buy it because I didn’t like the music enough to own a piece.

The best part of the band was the beauty of the female keyboardist and I would have liked to meet her on her own.

The band still has potential and they actually made it into the TOP 3 earning them a space on the CD sampler to be produced by the Hard and Heavy e.V.

The better band was still to come: Nightmare, who in the end climbed to # 5. The reason for that could have well been that within their 90minutes set they only played three self penned songs and the rest was “only” cover versions.

The cover versions though were brilliant. AC/DCs latest single “Hard as a rock” sounded exactly like the original and Metallica´s “nothing else matters” together with the Iron Maiden classic: “Hellowed be thy name” blew me away by storm.

Ex – Nice and Rough Bassist Peter Gropp, who play for Nightmare now said very rightly: “With Nice and Rough we would never have gotten that far”.

Nightmare was more a dream than a nightmare even though their name reminds me a lot of Freddy Krueger.

Lightmare ** Nightmare ***

See also Nice & Rough 1992 and Iron Maiden 2005


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