2006 - B.B. King & Gary Moore

29.03.2006 Hallam FM Arena, Sheffield/England

Support: Gary Moore

B.B. King, the Bluesman, the living legend on his Farewell Tour. King is 80 years old and still has got the Blues. Before we get to experience him Gary Moore and his band play a delightful hour of Blues and Rock tracks from the works of Gary Moore.

Although it took me a while to get into the sprirt of things, his guitar skills are beyond belief. Some songs are better than others and I am not sure if I like his voice but overall it was a great gig.

Gary Moore **

Not too long after Moore had left the stage B.B. King and his all-black-male Band kick off their two hours show. Although it is Blues in essence, it has a big band feel to it and a lot of humour. Apart from perfectly played tunes, some touchy, some uplifting, I can´t help thinking how could it must be to have B.B. King as a grandfather. “I am a good man, a blues man, understand?” sings B.B. and we do understand!

B.B. King ***


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