1991 - Kraftwerk

01.11.1991, Kongresshalle Frankfurt: KRAFTWERK
„The robots“, „Autobahn“, „Tour de France“, „The model“, „Computerworld“ „Music non Stopp“ ... the list of hits of the cult band from Düsseldorf is really remarkable and after nine years of stage absence the “Robots” once more embark on a tour.
The Kongresshalle (Congress hall) Frankfurt was sold out. The show was scheduled for 8 p.m. and the tickets cost DM 38,50,- (quite a lot back then)
Shortly after 8 p.m. strange electronic noises echoed from the speakers still with the lights fully on. The sounds lasted for almost 15 minutes. Then they stopped: Showtime:
“Ladies and Gentleman, Madame’s et Monsieur’s, Meine Damen und Herren: Die Mensch Maschine (The man machine)” ...
After this introduction from the „Voice of energy“ Kraftwerk started the gig.
Hutter, Schneider und co. „lifeless“ as usual. The futuristic stage featured the whole Kling Klang Studio as well as four 5meter wide screens on which a video sequence was shown simultaneously to each song.
Sound wise this evening was a happening. Absolute Studio quality and obviously absolutely live, not very common among Techno / Synthesizer bands.
From “Zahlen” (Numbers) to “Computerworld” to “the model” and the “Tour de France” song, sung in French, the repertoire was great.
Robots “replaced” the band temporarily during “the robots”.
Kraftwerk played for over two hours and the show endet with two songs from the electric café CD: “Boing boom tschak” and “Musique non stop”.
Without Kraftwerk a lot of bands would not exist today and their very detailed and perfect show proofed once more that they are what they are: Heroes in their own right!
Kraftwerk ***
See also: Kraftwerk 2004, Interview Karl Bartos 2006